Wednesday 16 November 2011

Spicy Roast Potatoes


• Half kg baby red potatoes

• Salt to taste

• Chili flakes to taste

• espellete pepper mustard to taste

• half tsp garlic

• chopped coriander or other herbs of your choice

• olive oil to fry potatoes


Take a bowl, combine mustard, olive oil, salt and chili flakes. Mix well. Now cut potatoes in half and put in the marinade for half an hour. Chop the garlic and add with the marinated potatoes. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade. Place the potatoes in baking tray. Cover with foil and bake for half an hour. Now grill the potatoes to get a nice brown color and crispy coating. Sprinkle the chopped herbs. Spicy Roast Potatoes are ready to be served.

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